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Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Subscribe to the Atlanta Journal-Constitution Online

AJC, also known as the Atlanta Journal-Constitution, is the only major daily newspaper in the metropolitan area of Atlanta, Georgia in the United States. It is the result of the merger between The Atlanta Journal and The Atlanta Constitution, which combined their staffs in 1982. AJC is the flagship publication of Cox Enterprises.

The Atlanta Journal-Constitution provides online subscriptions to their newspapers. It offers three options for customers to choose from: AJC Print, AJC app for iPad and AJC E-edition. It also helps customers to compare different options to help them choose the one that is best for them.

By subscribing to the Atlanta Journal-Constitution online, you do not need to take the time to subscribe to it by sending them a mailed-in subscription form. Getting a subscription online is much simpler, easier and more convenient.


  1. Go to the AJC website at Resource below.
  2. Click on the button marked “Print/Digital Subscriptions”.
  3. Choose your subscription type from the given options. Take AJC Print as an example. Click on the link marked “AJC Print”.
  4. Click on the button marked “CLICK HERE”.
  5. Choose the one you want to subscribe to and then click on the corresponding button marked “Choose”.
  6. Choose the length of time of your subscription and then click on the button marked “Choose”.
  7. Enter your phone number and house number into the required boxes and then click on the button marked “Continue”.
  8. Follow instructions to complete the online subscription process.


AJC website

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