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Tuesday, October 9, 2012

How to Connect Two Computers to One Printer by USB Cable

You have two computers and one printer but you have to connect both computers with that printer. Just by following some instructions you can easily connect the printer with both computers. To connect the printer no software or special modifications are required. But you have to load the drivers to operate your particular printer in both computers. You can find the drivers on the software discs with the printer. You need a USB hub available at computer stores and electronics shops to connect the printer with your both computers.


  1. First shut down both computers and the printer.
  2. Enter two USB cables plug into the input jacks of the USB hub.
  3. The opposite sides of the USB cables plug into a USB port on each computer.
  4. The out jack of the USB hub plug into the USB port on the back side of your printer.
    Turn on your printer.
  5. Then log in your computers. Wait for each computer to recognize the printer and display the message New Hardware Detected.
  6. If necessary, using the software disc load the printer drivers on your computers.

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