BUY 3 GET 3 FREE is a promotion with exclusive offers provided by
Genie Bra for their customers. Customers that order using the BUY 3 GET 3
FREE offer now will only pay $59.99 and additional processing and
handling, and then they can get 6 Genie bras, including 2 black ones, 2
nude ones and 2 white ones.
By ordering through the Genie Bra BUY 3 GET 3 FREE exclusive offer, you can save some money and meanwhile get excellent Genie bras. You can make the order online and you can choose method of payment. It is simple, fast and secure.
Genie Bra is a women’s bra retailer in the United States which sells comfortable and stylish bras to their customers. The bras they sell have no wires, hooks or adjusting straps and they are made from a stretch fabric.
By ordering through the Genie Bra BUY 3 GET 3 FREE exclusive offer, you can save some money and meanwhile get excellent Genie bras. You can make the order online and you can choose method of payment. It is simple, fast and secure.
Genie Bra is a women’s bra retailer in the United States which sells comfortable and stylish bras to their customers. The bras they sell have no wires, hooks or adjusting straps and they are made from a stretch fabric.
- Go to the Genie Bra website (see Resource below) and click on the button marked “ORDER NOW”.
- Select the size you want to order from the drop down menu and choose the “Yes” button for the “BUY 3 GET 3 FREE” offer.
- Enter your zip code into the required box.
- Enter your delivery and billing information into the required boxes or select your choices from the drop down menu.
- If you would like to receive special offers, promotions and free gifts through email, just choose the “Yes” button.
- Select your payment method from the drop down menu and enter your payment information into the required boxes, then click on the button marked “COMPLETE MY ORDER”.
- Finish the order process as instructed.
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