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Friday, September 21, 2012

Online Selmon Expressway Invoice Payment

Built in stages from 1976 to 1987, the Selmon Expressway connects South Tampa with Downtown Tampa. This limited-access toll expressway is managed electronically, with all tolls being collected either by Sunpass transponder or by photographing motorists’ license plates and then sending them invoices in the mail. The expressway is managed by the Tampa-Hillsborough Expressway Authority.

The Selmon Expressway, which is managed by the Tampa-Hillsborough Expressway Authority, offers a service to users of the expressway, allowing them to pay their expressway toll online. The Expressway authority sends drivers invoices through the mail and then drivers can go online and pay their invoices over the internet by logging into the system with their license plate numbers.

Paying your Selmon Expressway invoice over the internet is quick, easy and convenient. Instead of sending a check through the mail or calling up some service representative on the telephone, you can handle everything yourself over the internet anytime you feel like it. The invoice payment website is straightforward and payment is easy to do.


  1. Go to the Selmon Expressway Invoice Online Payment website at Resource below.
  2. Enter your account number as it appears on the invoice that you received in the mail, along with your automobile license plate number and your state into the required fields and then click on the button marked, “Go.”
  3. Enter your payment information and complete the invoice online payment process as directed.


Selmon Expressway Invoice Online Payment website

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